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Flood Insurance and the Community Rating System (CRS)

If an effort to better understand the ever changing flood requirements in our coastal area and to help buyers understand their cost and risk, I attended the “Flood Insurance Affordability” class presented by Jeff Brady (AllState), Michael Blakely (Chatham County) and Tom McDonald (City of Savannah). At the end of the class, I had a much clearer understanding of the programs and additional ideas as to how to help buyers understand the challenges and potential risk they face when purchasing homes in our area. In addition, I was made aware of a program called the Community Rating System (CRS).
The CRS program was created in 1990 as an incentive for communities to do more than just regulate constrction of new building to the minimum standards of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). It was created to help:
* Reduce flood insurance rates for consumers
* Improve flood protection
* Enhance public safety
* Evaluated vs. national benchmarks
* Technical assistance
* Qualification of Federal assistance
* Incentive to keep implementing flood activities
Participation in the program is voluntary. Fortunately, Unincorporated Chatham County and the City of Savannah participate in this program thus affording home owners located in Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA) the possibility of receiving discounts on their flood insurance of up to thirty percent.
I have attached the PDF’s associated with this class and created by Mr. Michael Blakely and Tom McDonald for you information and guidance in better understanding the specifics of how the Community Rating System (CRS) operates and how you may be able to receive discounts. Please review the material at your convenience. Thanks.

Community Rating System (CRS)

Changes to Community Rating System (CRS)

Be Prepared and Protect Yourself from Flood Damage

What You Need to Know about Federal Disaster Assistance and National Flood Insurance

Mandatory Purchase of Flood Insurance.

Protect Your New Home – Flood Risk & Flood Insurance Basics

Top Ten Facts For Consumers

Summary of Coverage

Elevation Certificates – Who Needs Them and Why

Homeowner Guide to Elevations Certificates


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